Catalfano Brothers

Preventing Flooding After Snow Storms

Preventing Flooding After Snow Storms

Melting snow can turn into a lot of water. Deep snows combined with heavy rain or warmer weather can make snow melt quickly and cause flooding. To help prevent major problems for yourself here are some tips to keep your home well protected. Keep gutters clear of leaves and debris to prevent ice from building up and forming dams. Check the drains in your basement stairwells and window wells work properly, also remove snow from these areas after the storm has run its course, the water from the melting of snow can lead to water damage and moisture intrusion. Moisture intrusion can also occur if snow becomes trapped between window boxes for flowers and the side of your house, it’s important to do this to avoid this problem.

Thoroughly inspect skylights and other roof openings that weather stripping or gaskets are intact and in place, and replace them if they are worn, to keep any moisture or water from entering into places it doesn’t belong. Be sure to remove icicles that hang from your gutters and walkways in order to prevent injuries to people below from falling ice. It is important to keep your attic well ventilated; keeping the temperature of your attic closer to that of the outside air prevents ice dams from forming. When your attic is warm, ice and snow melts on the roof and collects in the gutters where it refreezes and blocks water from draining, where it can be forced under your roof, into your attic and into the walls of your home. Be sure to check your storm drains near your home and clear away and leaves, debris or heavy snow. If these grates get clogged it can cause unnecessary flooding, if there is a rainstorm or heavy snow melting.

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