Roofing Underlayment - Catalfano Brothers

Roofing Underlayment

The underlayment is a vitally important part of your roofing system.

In between the roof and the sheathing, the underlayment is the layer that actually provides protection from moisture. Where the roof may make your home leak proof, the underlayment is what makes your roof waterproof.

Underlayment choices, at one time, were optional, but today, they are required for homes and are regulated by laws and codes. Choosing the correct underlayment and maintaining its condition is a very important part of roof maintenance.

When you hire a roofer for your roofing needs, you will need to determine the best underlayment material for your roof. There are a lot of different materials used and will be able to help you determine the best choice. There are felt, synthetic, and self-adhering type underlayments available to choose from.

  • Though there are different types to choose from, your montgomery county roofing contractor may recommend a particular underlayment as the best choice for your roof. Many residents in areas that are prone to high winds and hurricanes are turning to synthetic underlayments. These underlayments have shown less damage to hurricanes and are quickly becoming the preferred material in certain regions. Your roofer is the best resource that you have when determining the best underlayment for your roofing needs.
  • One thing is certain, if your underlayment is damaged or in need of repair, you will need to have your delaware valley roofing contractor repair it immediately. Underlayments are your first defense against leaks and excessive moisture and it is much easier to repair the underlayment then to deal with structural damage that is the result of accumulated moisture that has yet to have been repaired. It’s also important to realize that different underlayments cost different amounts. Therefore, not only should you choose underlayments based upon their structural components, but on their economical value as well.
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